
Design & Nature Reimagined

I connect people to nature through art, information design, and storytelling. I write a weekly newsletter about nature, design, and hope.

Design & Nature Reimagined: Systems

ISSUE #45 DESIGN & NATURE REIMAGINED MARISA MORBY This week we had two of the hottest days recorded in human history. We're seeing how our weather patterns changing and breaking down in ways that have been predicted for years but ignored until recently. So today, I want to take a look at systems, and how we are starting to better understand them. If this email was forwarded to you, you can subscribe here. design One of the things I find most fascinating about nature is its complex system. We...
A picture of a Phantom Orchid.

Design & Nature Reimagined: Relationships

ISSUE #44 DESIGN & NATURE REIMAGINED MARISA MORBY Last week I gave my first nature education class, where I taught people about native plants, their role in ecology, and human uses for these plants. It was a lovely walk through the park and we even got to see some plants beginning their fruit production!This week's newsletter is about relationships. Mainly relationships with fungi. You can learn more about what fungi is in Parts 1 and 2 of The Universe Beneath Our Feet. If this email was...

Design & Nature Reimagined: Mystery

ISSUE #43 DESIGN & NATURE REIMAGINED MARISA MORBY We're having a heat wave here in the Pacific Northwest, so I've spent some time out on the river, happily gliding on my paddle board, excited to see what beautiful thing I'm going to discover around each curve and bend. So what's on my mind this week is mystery and magic. There are so many natural mysteries that we can't answer today and may never be able to answer. And from the right angle, mystery can bend and refract into a little bit of...
A photo of Entanglement by Artificial Nature. This photo shows a large dark room with an AI generated forest on two walls. A purple fungal network is integrated with the tree root system and expands out onto the floor.

Design & Nature Reimagined: AI and nature?

ISSUE #42 DESIGN & NATURE REIMAGINED MARISA MORBY After a couple weeks of traveling and going to tech focused conferences, I'm getting a much needed break. I learned so much listening to these talks and meeting new people. A big discussion at each conference was AI, and there were many talks around new software, how it's being integrated into existing tools, ethics, and the future of AI. I'll be the first to say I'm a (big) skeptic. I don't think that just because we could do something means...

Design & Nature Reimagined: Coral

ISSUE #41 DESIGN & NATURE REIMAGINED MARISA MORBY June is almost gone and with it the first half of the year. I can't believe it either! This week's newsletter is all about coral reefs, mainly because I want to be sitting on a warm beach somewhere with my toes in the water and a drink in my hand.If this email was forwarded to you, you can subscribe here. design I love how ArcGIS mapping creates visual, interactive displays about large areas of our world. Check out this map that takes...

Design & Nature Reimagined: Keeping cool

ISSUE #40 DESIGN & NATURE REIMAGINED MARISA MORBY Summer is here, and I know for me living in the Pacific Northwest, I'm about ready to just lay out and sun myself like a lizard. I've missed you sun. But with the good comes the bad, in the form of high heat across the US, Europe, South Asia, and Africa. Let's learn about how we can stay cool through all this heat. And remember, there are only 57 companies that are linked to 80% of greenhouse gasses. Knowledge is the power to effect change.If...

Design & Nature Reimagined

ISSUE #39 DESIGN & NATURE REIMAGINED MARISA MORBY This last week was A WEEK y'all. I had a final project due for my landscape design class. I had (and still have) finals for my native plants classes. And June is gearing up to be so busy. But, amidst it all... nature continues to amaze. Let's enjoy it together!If this email was forwarded to you, you can subscribe here. design Who doesn't love a good before and after highlight? The Salesforce Transit Center Park is a rooftop park that's...

Design & Nature Reimagined

ISSUE #38 DESIGN & NATURE REIMAGINED MARISA MORBY Hope you've had a good week! I'm finishing up a landscape design class and native plants identification class, so my days have been filled with lots of landscape drawing and plant walks.If this email was forwarded to you, you can subscribe here. design I've had the opportunity to spend several months in Barcelona over the course of several years. The first time I visited, there were certain areas that were great walking streets, and the rest...

Design & Nature Reimagined

ISSUE #37 DESIGN & NATURE REIMAGINED MARISA MORBY Trying out a new format that will help me be more consistent with this newsletter! I'd love to know what you think; just reply to this email to let me know.If this email was forwarded to you, you can subscribe here. design What happens when rain hits the ground? How does our rain, or stormwater management, impact the water quality of our cities? Find out how bioswales make our cities cleaner by managing stormwater runoff, filtering our water,...

Design & Nature Reimagined: Archive

ARCHIVE DESIGN & NATURE REIMAGINED MARISA MORBY Check out the previous editions of Design & Nature Reimagined here. Photo by Niklas Ohlrogge on Unsplash Thanks for reading, it's great having you here! If you'd like to submit something to be featured in the newsletter, just reply to this email. 💖 If any of the links included are broken, please reply to this email and I'll fix it. 113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205Unsubscribe · Preferences © 2021 - 2024 Marisa Morby

I connect people to nature through art, information design, and storytelling. I write a weekly newsletter about nature, design, and hope.