Design & Nature Reimagined
Published 4 months ago • 1 min read
Trying out a new format that will help me be more consistent with this newsletter! I'd love to know what you think; just reply to this email to let me know. If this email was forwarded to you, you can subscribe here.
What happens when rain hits the ground? How does our rain, or stormwater management, impact the water quality of our cities? Find out how bioswales make our cities cleaner by managing stormwater runoff, filtering our water, and providing habitat for urban wildlife.
I love planting my garden for wildlife. That means I include a lot of native plants in my garden. But how do native plants differ from introduced plants? Do they really matter? Learn why putting native plants in your garden will increase the amount of birds you get in your yard, lower the maintenance costs for your garden, and be less work for you.
Can you imagine removing a carpark and replacing it with a green oasis, trees, and residential living? That's exactly what happened in Singapore at the new CapitaSpring building.
🎵 De-paved a carpark and made a new paradise 🎵
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© 2021 - 2024 Marisa Morby
Design & Nature Reimagined
I connect people to nature through art, information design, and storytelling. I write a weekly newsletter about nature, design, and hope.